Saturday, June 14, 2014

Day 6 - Met a kind soul

June 13th, 2014

Talking about riders' behavior versus runners', I met a kind soul on the road today. I was stranded on a short bike route during the dawn hours, where only asphalt, trees and birds were my company. As I changed my gears pedaling to the top of Pierce, my chain fell off. New technology sometimes is not necessarily your best friend. The chainguard that was supposed to keep my chain from falling failed to perform. My chain fell through the gap between the chainguard and my chainring. There wasn't enough space for me to pull it back on unless I took the chain guard off... with a tool.

Tool. Such an important item that I haven't made any effort to carry since I got my new bike. No emergency kit. No tools. It's funny I stressed so much the importance of needing to carry a little repair kit while on a ride to customers but I failed to follow my own advice. Here I was, 10 miles from home, on a somewhat quiet road, at the crack of dawn, struggling with my greasy hands trying to push the chainguard out of the way so that I could put the chain back on. I had no choice. What was I to do but to keep trying.

Then I saw a fellow cyclist approaching. I knew help was on the way. Jim was kind enough to not only lend me his multitool but also fix it for me. I told him he saved my life and thanked him profusely. We got to chat a bit. I found out that he works for Giro, hence he liked my helmet (the Air Attack Shield). We rode together a little bit and then waved goodbye as I turned onto my road heading home.

I was saved by a kind fellow cyclist. Later, I wondered to myself if I were to sit by the side of the trail because I was hurt, would a runner ask me if I was okay? The probability of that somehow seems so slim but I don't really know. I would have to try it and see.

Today I rode 22 miles up two hills with 1089 ft of climbing. I felt strong and happy.

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