Tuesday, June 10, 2014

How it all begins

One night early summer 2014, I decided I want to run a marathon. I asked K how long it would take to train for one. "Three months," she said. After a bit of maneuvering on the web, I found the Ventura Marathon. September 7th. I signed up. Paid $110. Now I really am on my journey to my first marathon.

I grew up pretty much below average, as far as physical activities are concerned. I was told that I was weak, too weak for physical labor. So I had many years to master my weakness. I remember in gym class, I wished I'd died whenever we had to run a mile around the track (I actually ran only two laps and walked the other two). Breathing was hard. The pain in my chest was unbearable. Moving my legs was torturous. My body did not like pain and neither did my mind.

Years later, now I'm in my early thirties. My body is yearning to feel that heart beat a little faster, experience a little more pain, and be a little more alive. I did a couple 10ks within the past couple years but nothing major. I am naturally a very ambitious individual so I figured if I could do a 10k, I could run a marathon. No need to do anything else in between, like a half marathon. Who needs a half marathon when they could do a full one?

So here I am blogging away my three months training.


  1. You are awesome LK! Funny how in our "mature" years we re-discover a passion for activities whether they be in the arts or athletics! Keep listening to that little voice inside and continue to be inspired! -michael

  2. Thank you Mr. Michael :) Hope you are well!
